Friday, 25 March 2016

Martin Griffin - The Importance of a Strong Curriculum

A curriculum is a tool that can help a school succeed. Martin Griffin is an educational coach and consultant in Chula Vista, California. He has years of experience as an educational administrator and is well versed in curriculum development. A good curriculum can help a school improve the quality of its education and meet federal educational standards. A curriculum is a vital part of any school and school district.

Martin Griffin
As students progress from one grade to another, they are expected to have a certain level of knowledge in each standard subject. In order to ensure that students are getting the level of education they need during each grade, educators create a curriculum. A curriculum can be defined as an academic schedule that maps out what students will learn during each year of their education.

A school curriculum is important for many reasons. One basic reason is that it helps teachers build on their students’ education. When teachers know what their students learned during the previous year, they are able to enhance that existing education.

Primary and secondary schools are required to meet certain government standards. A curriculum is important because it helps schools meet those standards. Educators are able to plan out their students’ educational paths in a way that ensures that those students are getting the level of education that the federal government demands. A curriculum is a great tool for educators, and it ensures that students are getting a good education. Martin Griffin is a skilled professional who helps schools improve and provide a quality education. 

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Martin Griffin - The Western Association of Schools and Colleges

Martin Griffin is a commissioner for the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC). He is serving for two terms between January of 2010 and June 2016. He is a skilled educational administrator and offers schools and districts his services as an educational coach. His goal is to help schools in the Sand Diego and Los Angeles areas improve and thrive.

Martin Griffin 

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges is one of the academic bodies responsible for the accreditation of public and private schools. They have jurisdiction over the United States and its territories as well as area of Pacific and East Asia that may have American run schools. They focus on elementary and secondary schools as well as universities and colleges that are in the United States or are foreign institutions with American origins.

There are a total of six academic bodies that focus on the accreditation of schools. Educational accreditation is a process that assures the quality of the educational institute. There are a set of standards and government criteria that every educational institution must meet in order to receive accreditation. In the United States this process is performed by private, nonprofit organizations such as the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

This is a very important process because it helps monitor the quality of education students are receiving throughout the United States. Martin Griffin works with this organization in order to help improve education throughout the country. He also works as an educational consultant for school districts and school and helps them maintain a high standard of performance.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Martin Griffin - How to Become a Successful School Principal

School principals are responsible for the teachers, the students, and the success of their schools. Martin Griffin worked as a school principal for several years. He helped implement Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) as well as Immediate Intervention for Underperforming Schools Plans (IIUSPs) for some of the schools he worked with. He was a successful principal and he is a successful educational coach and consultant.

Martin Griffin There are several attributes that successful principals all share. These professionals are highly knowledgeable about educational policy as well as teaching. Many principals began their careers as teachers. They understand what it is like to teach in the classroom, and are aware of the pressures and responsibilities that teachers carry. This understanding helps principals implement policies that benefit the school, the students, and the teachers.

Successful principals are strong leaders. These professionals are able to command the respect of teachers as well as parents. They are able to improve their school’s overall achievement levels. They are able to take high level positions of leadership and succeed. It is important for a principal to be a great leader with strong communication skills.

Successful principals are dedicated to their profession. They care about the education of their students and work hard to develop a great learning atmosphere in their schools. Principals who are successful care about every student who comes through their schools as well as the teachers employed at their schools. Martin Griffin is a dedicated professional who works hard to help school systems improve the quality of the education they provide.