Thursday, 10 November 2016

Martin Griffin - Develop Your School’s Culture

A positive school culture can encourage students to push themselves and to succeed. Martin Griffin is an educational consultant in Chula Vista, California. He has years of experience in education as well as a Master of Arts in Secondary Education Administration. He has been a teacher, a principal, and an educational administrator. He helps schools improve their performance levels and provide students with the resources they need.

There are several reasons for you to develop your school’s culture. If students feel comfortable at school, they may be excited to show up every day. A student who is interested in school may study harder. If you focus on creating interesting school activities and comprehensive programs, your students may get interested in their classes.

Martin Griffin

 Another tip for developing a positive school culture is to encourage teachers to get to know their students. Good teacher-student relationships can help students feel comfortable at school. If students like their teachers, they may be more likely to pay attention in class, and get better grades.

Developing a positive school culture helps to create a good environment for students. There are several steps that a school can take to improve the students’ experience and performance. A school culture involves after school programs, relationships between students and educators, and classes that are interesting as well as engaging. Martin Griffin consults with schools around California. He is interested in enhancing school cultures and incorporating multicultural and multiracial education.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Martin Griffin - How Data Analysis Can Benefit Educators

Martin Griffin is an educational consultant and the head of a school district. He has worked in the educational field for his entire career, and has years of experience leading educational organizations to positive change. Over the years, strategies for improving and developing new teaching methods have changed due to the resources available to educators. One of the most important resources available is numerical data and statistics. Many educators are unaware of the many benefits that this information can have for them.
Martin Griffin

For teachers, numerical statistics of their students’ performances is an easy way to track their progress over time. Correlating this with the implementation of new teaching strategies or the introduction of new concepts can also be a great way to test whether or not a concept is effective.

For administrators, statistics of the entire school’s performance can affect the kinds of educational initiatives that are put into place in the future. For example, if performance scores show that students are consistently under performing in a certain subject, extra time can be spent on that subject in the future. If attendance statistics show that students are skipping or arriving late to classes, initiatives can be put in place to motivate students to come to school.

In general, statistics relating to education can give educators, students, and parents a better idea of the effectiveness of education and where improvement still needs to be made. Numerical data is an easy way to show progress and can be used as a motivational tool. Martin Griffin encourages the use of data analysis in his schools.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Martin Griffin - How Students Can Transition from Secondary Education to Higher Education

As a professional education consultant and academic supervisor, Martin Griffin has overseen the functioning of entire high school districts and organizations. His goal is to ensure that students are properly prepared for their future, whether that be a career right out of high school, or attending a college or university. For students who decide to attend a university, transitioning from a high school environment to a college one can be difficult. Here are ways for students to prepare for the new academic challenges of higher education.
Martin Griffin
  • College classes are structured differently than high school ones. Large lectures of hundreds of people are very common. To prepare, students should start managing their own notes and processing information with less help from the teacher towards the end of high school.
  • Students should find out which strategies help them learn best. If they are a visual learner, words and pictures will help them the most, and they should focus on taking thorough notes and dissecting reading material from the class. For auditory learners, recording a lecture may be most effective. These are just two of the many different types of learners in our population.
  • Students should attend professor’s office hours if they have questions or need extra help. It can also be helpful to talk to the TAs. Because college professors will not follow up with each student the way a high school teacher will, students need to be proactive about getting the information that they need and getting their questions answered.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Martin Griffin - Components of an Effective Educational Curriculum

Martin Griffin is an educational supervisor and consultant with many decades of experience in the academic field. There are many different responsibilities to his job, but one of the most important is developing and implementing new school curriculums in a variety of different subjects. The curriculum is the backbone of any class, and without a strong curriculum, students cannot learn as effectively or process as much information. There are many components that make up a strong curriculum. 

The most important component of any curriculum or lesson is clarity. It is much easier for students to learn from a lesson that is clear than from one that is convoluted or too detailed, especially when learning new concepts. The focus should be on developing simple yet effective methods for conveying new information. The curriculum should also focus on the biggest, most important points first, as these are the most important pieces of information for students to remember. From there, the lesson can go into more detail in a way that is structurally logical. 

Martin Griffin

After students have a grasp of the basic concept presented in a lesson, they should then be presented with related concepts to further develop their thinking. They should also use the concept in a variety of different ways. This is important not only for the full retention of the information, but also for ensuring that all types of learners can effectively process the information. By having a curriculum that is focused on concepts and ideas instead of systems and processes, students learn more effectively.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Martin Griffin - What is a Professional Learning Community?

Martin Griffin is an educational administrator and consultant with years of experience in the field of secondary education, as a principal and teacher as well as district supervisor and other leadership positions. His goals are to improve educational experiences for all students and to manage and address any problems in the academic environment. In these administrative positions, Griffin has frequently facilitated and advocated for professional learning communities, or PLCs, in his district.

A professional learning community is defined as a group of educators that meet regularly to learn from and communicate with one another about many different concepts and ideas relating to education. The definition of a professional learning community can be somewhat broad. In some cases, a PLC is just a small group of four or five people that meets for informal discussion and sharing of teaching techniques and advice. In other cases, a professional learning community may be a larger conference of many teachers. Some schools and school districts require their teachers to participate in these communities, making them more formal in nature, while in other schools, participation is completely voluntary and done for the benefit of the teacher. The members of these gatherings usually have something more specific to their teaching in common, such as teaching the same subject or the same age group.

Martin Griffin

PLCs normally have a specific structure, in which members meet at regular intervals. These are usually every few weeks or every month, but can vary by necessity. They are usually scheduled during the teacher work day at school, not during outside hours, and are coordinated by teachers who are trained in supervising these types of groups. The groups set agendas for each meeting, and have common predetermined goals for their work together. Conversation is typically very structured and focuses on being productive. During a meeting, there are many topics that teachers may elect to discuss. They may discuss their own work, such as lesson plans, or discuss the work of their students. Constructive criticism is given so that teachers can improve their lessons for their students. They also may analyze trends in student performance or broader research and trends in the academic community.

There are many benefits to PLCs for both teachers and their students. The biggest is that teachers are able to learn from each other and collaborate, which improves their teaching skills. Teachers often leave a professional learning community with an increased sense of confidence, which helps them better interact with their students and maintain their classroom as a whole. The culture within the school can also become more positive and collaborative, making the school a better place to work. Overall, Martin Griffin is a huge advocate for professional learning communities and improving the learning environment for kids.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Martin Griffin Boosts Standardized Test Scores Through Literacy

Former California principal, Martin Griffin, explains that there are numerous standardized tests that every high school student in the state is required to take before they may graduate. The two most prominent of these tests are the California Standards Tests (CSTs) through the Standardized Testing and Reporting Program (STAR) and the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). Standardized testing is an area where many students struggle, even those who otherwise have good grades. Schools across the nation are focused on the results of standardized tests, as it reflects on the individual school as much as the student's attained knowledge.

 During his years as a high school principal and education consultant in California, Griffin has learned that the promotion of literacy is one of the most effective ways to raise test scores. Literacy is more than the ability to read, it is also the power to comprehend and retain what is read. The better a student is at reading and understanding a text, the more likely they are to understand a test question and what is expected of them. This even rings true for the math portions of standardized tests, as the questions need to be read and understood before the work can commence.

Better literacy also gives grammar, language, and vocabulary tools to students, each of which are important for a good test score. Martin Griffin knows that reading is the most effective way to build vocabulary, learn the meaning of new words through context, and learn the proper ways to spell those words.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Martin Griffin Works to Build Student Confidence

One of the goals of any educational administrator is to offer his or her students the chance to build confidence, according to former California principal Martin Griffin. To help these students, especially at the high school level, build a healthy level of confidence it is necessary to promote an education in social and emotional awareness. These skills, if developed properly, will aid the student in whichever career they choose.

Martin Griffin Often, high school students are very wrapped up in their own worlds and daily concerns. This can appear selfish, but is actually a part of their own growth cycle. When teenagers are offered the opportunity to step away from their own issues and observe others, their perspectives are forever changes. Giving high school students the chance to step back and look at the world around them, even the microcosm that is high school, promotes social and emotional awareness. Many teachers offer assignments that require the student to simply observe the behavior of their class in a group setting, such as the cafeteria. Students witness which groups tend to gather and who gets left behind.

Building an understanding and awareness of social behavior and emotional intelligence is vital to the workforce. To be a great leader or manager, a person needs these skills. The ability to place one's self in another's shoes leads to a greater understanding and better long-term communication. Martin Griffin and his colleagues do all they can to give students the chance to develop this confidence and the associated traits.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Martin Griffin Educates Teachers on Student Distractions

According to long-time principal and educational administrator, Martin Griffin, students face more distractions today than in any other historical time. Much of this distraction stems from the technologies that they carry on their person, such as cell phones and tablets. The computers that are offered at school and those owned at home are also proving to have a distracting quality. This is not to say that all technology is bad, or will have a negative impact on the student's ability to learn. When used properly, technology can be a great educational resource. 
                               Martin Griffin

Educators and administrators struggle with how to use technology to improve education, without allowing it to become such a distraction. Students are drawn to things that are visually stimulating, thanks to the wiring within the brain. Ninety-nine out of one hundred high school students would rather watch a movie about World War I than listen to an hour long lecture on the topic. These same students would rather watch a demonstration on chemical changes than take notes from a book on the science of chemistry. Yet, too much watching can lead to poor learning. 

When the brain is overstimulated, it does not take in all of the necessary information. Martin Griffin explains that the most recent studies show that students who are told to read a story online are less likely to learn the meaning of the story. However, if they are given a book containing the story to read, they are more apt to learn and remember the topic.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Martin Griffin Deals with School Avoidance

Martin Griffin, and countless other school administrators, contend with the issues of school avoidance on a regular basis. This issue is growing in urgency and recurrence, causing educational issues for teachers and students. Truancy is defined as a student's tendency to miss all or part of their scheduled school day, and is deemed a concern when it happens repetitively. Unfortunately, each state operates under a different set of guidelines when considering truancy, and very few state keep accurate track of their student truancy rates. However, many administrators who are tasked with correcting this behavior have determined that each school has as many as 20%, or one of every five students, with an avoidance issue.

Children and teenagers enter into a phase of school avoidance for different reasons. Much of the time, the issue stems from problems at home or psychological concerns with the student. Often, parents are at a loss as to what to do to correct the behavior. Administrators and teachers offer resources and advice, but cannot force a child to attend school. As truancy rates and school avoidance continues to increase, the level of education received by the student suffers. This phenomenon also causes disruption for the students who remain in school as they are supposed to.

After spending a number of years as a high school principal, Martin Griffin thinks that school avoidance is an issue that must be fought from all sides. Both the educational professionals and the parents or guardians must do all they can to ensure a student attends school each day.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Martin Griffin - 3 Tips for Succeeding as an Administrator

Administrators who work at the district level are able to make and enforce policies that affect students throughout the district. Martin Griffin is an educational consultant who spent several years working as a district level administrator. He earned a Master of Arts in Secondary Education Administration from the University of Akron, and used his education to help improve schools. Administrators can help a lot of students. Successful administrators often share similar personality traits and habits.
The first step to succeeding as an administrator is to become a leader. In this position, you will have a lot of responsibility, and hundreds of students will depend on your skills and your judgement. You will need to be a great leader who can help school principals, educators and support staff.

The trait that most successful administrators share is experience. If you want to succeed in this position, you will need to be highly experienced in this field. You will need to earn an advanced degree in education administration, and you should have several years of experience in the classroom.

Successful administrators are dedicated to their careers and to education. In order to succeed in this position, you will need to care deeply about the education system and educating children. This passion will drive you to create policies that will benefit the schools. It will also drive you to find innovative ways to continually improve schools. Martin Griffin has been a classroom teacher as well as a high school principal and a district level administrator. He cares deeply about improving education.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Martin Griffin - The Importance of a School Culture

Developing a school culture is essential for the success of a school. Martin Griffin is a highly experienced professional who has worked in education for well over a decade. He has been a classroom teacher, a high school principal, and an administrator at the district level. In 2013, he became an educational consultant who works hard to help schools improve. One way to improve a school is to develop and maintain a great school culture.

Martin Griffin Administrators, teachers, and support staff are all responsible for creating a school culture. A great school culture can help students obtain a well-rounded education. Students go to school in order to learn about math, science, English, history, and other important academic subjects. They also go to school in order to learn how to socialize. This part of their education is just as important as academics. While in school, students need to learn how to work with others and how to make friends. These are important life skills that will help them create a great future for themselves.

Educators are able to create a school culture that promotes socialization as well as academics by teaching children social skills at a young age. When a young child goes to school, he or she is surrounded by new people. This is a great opportunity for teachers to facilitate friendships and socialization. Teachers can also create a great school culture by getting to know their students so that they can help them thrive. Martin Griffin is an educational consultant who knows how to improve a school.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Martin Griffin - 3 Reasons to Get Involved with a Professional Association

A professional association can help you in several different ways. Martin Griffin is a member of Association of California School Administrators (ACSA). He also serves as a commissioner for the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Getting involved with organizations such as these can benefit your career greatly.
                        Martin Griffin
A professional organization can offer you great networking opportunities. Networking is an important part of any professional’s career. Networking can help you find potential employers, and it can help you meet with other professionals in your field. When you are a part of a professional organization, you are able to meet some of the leaders in your industry.

Another reason to join a professional organization is to access the resources these organizations may have. It is common for professional associations and organizations to offer courses for career improvement. They may also have a database of research and resources that could benefit your career. Taking these courses and accessing these resources could help you learn more about your industry which could help you advance your career.

Professional organizations often hold conferences and seminars. These events can offer you a great opportunity to network and learn. As a member of a professional organization, you can attend conferences, and listen to presentations from other professionals in your field. You can learn about new research and trends while meeting new people. Martin Griffin is an experienced administrator and educational consultant in Chula Vista, California. He has been a member of the Association of California Administrators since June of 2000.

Friday, 25 March 2016

Martin Griffin - The Importance of a Strong Curriculum

A curriculum is a tool that can help a school succeed. Martin Griffin is an educational coach and consultant in Chula Vista, California. He has years of experience as an educational administrator and is well versed in curriculum development. A good curriculum can help a school improve the quality of its education and meet federal educational standards. A curriculum is a vital part of any school and school district.

Martin Griffin
As students progress from one grade to another, they are expected to have a certain level of knowledge in each standard subject. In order to ensure that students are getting the level of education they need during each grade, educators create a curriculum. A curriculum can be defined as an academic schedule that maps out what students will learn during each year of their education.

A school curriculum is important for many reasons. One basic reason is that it helps teachers build on their students’ education. When teachers know what their students learned during the previous year, they are able to enhance that existing education.

Primary and secondary schools are required to meet certain government standards. A curriculum is important because it helps schools meet those standards. Educators are able to plan out their students’ educational paths in a way that ensures that those students are getting the level of education that the federal government demands. A curriculum is a great tool for educators, and it ensures that students are getting a good education. Martin Griffin is a skilled professional who helps schools improve and provide a quality education. 

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Martin Griffin - The Western Association of Schools and Colleges

Martin Griffin is a commissioner for the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC). He is serving for two terms between January of 2010 and June 2016. He is a skilled educational administrator and offers schools and districts his services as an educational coach. His goal is to help schools in the Sand Diego and Los Angeles areas improve and thrive.

Martin Griffin 

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges is one of the academic bodies responsible for the accreditation of public and private schools. They have jurisdiction over the United States and its territories as well as area of Pacific and East Asia that may have American run schools. They focus on elementary and secondary schools as well as universities and colleges that are in the United States or are foreign institutions with American origins.

There are a total of six academic bodies that focus on the accreditation of schools. Educational accreditation is a process that assures the quality of the educational institute. There are a set of standards and government criteria that every educational institution must meet in order to receive accreditation. In the United States this process is performed by private, nonprofit organizations such as the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

This is a very important process because it helps monitor the quality of education students are receiving throughout the United States. Martin Griffin works with this organization in order to help improve education throughout the country. He also works as an educational consultant for school districts and school and helps them maintain a high standard of performance.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Martin Griffin - How to Become a Successful School Principal

School principals are responsible for the teachers, the students, and the success of their schools. Martin Griffin worked as a school principal for several years. He helped implement Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) as well as Immediate Intervention for Underperforming Schools Plans (IIUSPs) for some of the schools he worked with. He was a successful principal and he is a successful educational coach and consultant.

Martin Griffin There are several attributes that successful principals all share. These professionals are highly knowledgeable about educational policy as well as teaching. Many principals began their careers as teachers. They understand what it is like to teach in the classroom, and are aware of the pressures and responsibilities that teachers carry. This understanding helps principals implement policies that benefit the school, the students, and the teachers.

Successful principals are strong leaders. These professionals are able to command the respect of teachers as well as parents. They are able to improve their school’s overall achievement levels. They are able to take high level positions of leadership and succeed. It is important for a principal to be a great leader with strong communication skills.

Successful principals are dedicated to their profession. They care about the education of their students and work hard to develop a great learning atmosphere in their schools. Principals who are successful care about every student who comes through their schools as well as the teachers employed at their schools. Martin Griffin is a dedicated professional who works hard to help school systems improve the quality of the education they provide.

Monday, 29 February 2016

Martin Griffin - What is a Professional Learning Community?

Martin Griffin has worked in education for more than a decade. He is an educational administrator and an educational coach. He helps schools adopt new policies and implement new strategies to improve the quality of education that the students receive. He also works hard to improve teachers’ skills and the environment in which they work. A great way to help teachers and schools improve is to develop Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
                            Martin Griffin

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) help develop collaborating learning among colleagues. It is a great way to extend learning opportunities to colleagues as well. These communities are especially effective in organizing teachers into working groups. PLCs help teachers feel as though they are working with their colleagues towards a common goal. These communities focus on brining colleagues together and empowering them in their career. This empowerment is often reflected in the achievements of the students and the school as well.

Many schools use PLCs to help teachers work together as a team by developing common assessments in all core areas. These communities also help develop pacing calendars and schedules for evaluating student progress and adjusting instruction accordingly. Using PLCs in this way helps teachers work collaboratively and can result in the overall improvement of the school. When teachers work together they are able to provide a cohesive and productive learning environment for their students. Martin Griffin helped develop PLCs at San Pasqual High School and Palisades Charter School. He enjoys working in a collaborative environment and helps schools develop their sense of community.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Martin Griffin - 3 Reasons Leadership is Important in an Educational Setting

Leadership is a skill that is essential in many different professions. Martin Griffin is an educational administrator and consultant. He uses his leadership skills to guide teachers, educators, and school systems toward reform. His goal is to improve schools and help enhance education in a wide array of school systems. Leadership skills are essential in an educational setting because they affect several different levels in a school.
Martin Griffin
Teachers are one of the first levels in a school. They deal directly with students and help implement policies and regulations. They need to have leadership skills in order to command the respect of their students. These professionals need to be able to direct others and take control of their students’ learning. Teachers need to develop leadership skills early on in order to succeed in a classroom setting.

The next level in a school consists of the principal and assistant principal. These professionals are educational administrators who work directly with one school. They use their leadership skills to help guide the teachers and to keep their school running smoothly. They help the teachers learn about the policies and regulations that are set by the school district and play a key role in implementing them.

The third level consists of administrators in the school district. These leaders often create policies and regulations that are meant to improve the schools in their district. They guide the schools and help them improve. Martin Griffin has worked on each one of these levels and uses his experience and his leadership skills to help schools in the San Diego and Los Angeles areas.