Monday, 29 February 2016

Martin Griffin - What is a Professional Learning Community?

Martin Griffin has worked in education for more than a decade. He is an educational administrator and an educational coach. He helps schools adopt new policies and implement new strategies to improve the quality of education that the students receive. He also works hard to improve teachers’ skills and the environment in which they work. A great way to help teachers and schools improve is to develop Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
                            Martin Griffin

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) help develop collaborating learning among colleagues. It is a great way to extend learning opportunities to colleagues as well. These communities are especially effective in organizing teachers into working groups. PLCs help teachers feel as though they are working with their colleagues towards a common goal. These communities focus on brining colleagues together and empowering them in their career. This empowerment is often reflected in the achievements of the students and the school as well.

Many schools use PLCs to help teachers work together as a team by developing common assessments in all core areas. These communities also help develop pacing calendars and schedules for evaluating student progress and adjusting instruction accordingly. Using PLCs in this way helps teachers work collaboratively and can result in the overall improvement of the school. When teachers work together they are able to provide a cohesive and productive learning environment for their students. Martin Griffin helped develop PLCs at San Pasqual High School and Palisades Charter School. He enjoys working in a collaborative environment and helps schools develop their sense of community.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Martin Griffin - 3 Reasons Leadership is Important in an Educational Setting

Leadership is a skill that is essential in many different professions. Martin Griffin is an educational administrator and consultant. He uses his leadership skills to guide teachers, educators, and school systems toward reform. His goal is to improve schools and help enhance education in a wide array of school systems. Leadership skills are essential in an educational setting because they affect several different levels in a school.
Martin Griffin
Teachers are one of the first levels in a school. They deal directly with students and help implement policies and regulations. They need to have leadership skills in order to command the respect of their students. These professionals need to be able to direct others and take control of their students’ learning. Teachers need to develop leadership skills early on in order to succeed in a classroom setting.

The next level in a school consists of the principal and assistant principal. These professionals are educational administrators who work directly with one school. They use their leadership skills to help guide the teachers and to keep their school running smoothly. They help the teachers learn about the policies and regulations that are set by the school district and play a key role in implementing them.

The third level consists of administrators in the school district. These leaders often create policies and regulations that are meant to improve the schools in their district. They guide the schools and help them improve. Martin Griffin has worked on each one of these levels and uses his experience and his leadership skills to help schools in the San Diego and Los Angeles areas.